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Proline Suite

Proline is a suite of software and components dedicated to mass spectrometry proteomics. Proline lets you extract data from raw files or identification engines, organize and store your data in a relational database, process and analyse this data to finally visualize and extract knowledge from MS based proteomics results.

Proline suite main features

The current version support the following features:

  • Import identification results (OMSSA, Mascot and X!Tandem files are currently supported). Once imported, search results can then be browsed and visualized through a graphical user interface.
  • Validate search results using customizable filters and infer proteins identification based on validated PSM. Identification results issued from the validation can obviously be browsed and visualized.
  • Combine individual search results or identification results to build a comprehensive proteome.
  • Export identification results in different formats including standard exchange formats.

The software suite is based on three main components:

  • A relational database management system storing the data used by the software in four different databases
  • A web server handling processing tasks and web data access
  • Two different graphical user interfaces, both allowing users to launch tasks and visualize their data: Proline Studio which is a rich client interface and Proline Web the web client interface

An additional component is used by administrators to setup and manage Proline (called ProlineAdmin).

Setup and Install

Read the Installation & Setup documentation to install, start the different modules used by Proline or upgrade your installation with a newer version

Getting Started

Discover Proline's workflow and how to execute it with Proline Studio and Proline Web.

Discover MS-Angel , a software automating MS/MS identifications and importing these identifications within your Proline projects.


Find quick answer to your questions in this how_to section.


Read the Concepts & Principles documentation to understand main concepts and algorithms used in Proline.

Raw file conversion to mzDB

This procedure is detailed in the mzDB Documentation section.

start.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/05 18:36 by