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Upgrading the Proline Suite

From Version 1.1 to Version 1.2 and from Version 1.2 to Version 1.3:

Updating the Datastore

No change since version 1.1. No data migration to do.

Updating the Server

from Windows installer

You will first need to uninstall previous server. This will not remove previous data stored in Proline DataStore nor will it remove configuration files!

You then have to do a fresh install using the same folder as previous installation. (see firstinstallserverinstaller)

Using archive files

Extract Proline WebCore zip file (packaged into ProlineServer archive) to the location of your choice, use a different location than previous installation.

Configuration files

Before running the server, you first need to modify ProlineWeb-Core configuration. Configuration files are located at <your_folder>\ProlineWeb-Core-x.y.z\Proline\WEB-INF\classes.

The configuration files didn't change. You can just copy theses files from your previous ProlineWeb-Core to the new one.

To use the XIC Quantitation process, you should also configure the mzDB files mount_points entry. See first installation documentation for more details.

You can upgrade the amount of memory used by the server in the jetty-runner.bat / file. If the server is configured with large amount of memory, it is recommended to increase this value. Change the value of -Xmx option: Xmx4g ⇒ -Xmx8g to upgrade from 4 GB (defaults) to 8GB.

Run jetty-runner.bat (or on linux system) to start the jetty server. You should now be able to access ProlineWeb-Core by typing http://localhost:8080/proline or http://<hostname>:8080/proline in your favorite browser. The following message must appear:

ProlineWeb-Core working !

Number of IVersion services : <X>
fr.proline.core.wsl.Version Module: ProlineWeb-Core Version: <XXX>
fr.proline.module.parser.omssa.Version Module: PM-OmssaParser Version: <YYY>
fr.proline.module.parser.mascot.Version Module: PM-MascotParser Version:<XYZ>
fr.proline.admin.Version Module: Proline-Admin Version: <ZYW>
fr.proline.util.ScalaVersion Module: ProFI-Commons-Scala Version: <YZX>
fr.proline.util.JavaVersion Module: ProFI-Commons-Java Version: <YXZ>
fr.proline.core.service.Version Module: Proline-OMP Version: <WYZ>

Updating Sequence Repository

There is no upgrade procedure for this module. You should do a fresh install, see installing Sequence Repository.

From Version 1.1 to 1.2: As configuration files structure has changed, you CAN NOT copy/paste them to this new installation. Nevertheless, you can copy the previous rules in the appropriate properties of the new files.

From Version 1.2 to 1.3: Configuration files have not been modified. You CAN copy/paste them to this new installation from previous version (1.2 !) .

Upgrading Proline Studio

Proline Studio application distribution is a zip file that must be unzip on each client PC. You should unzip it under a different folder than previous version.

Upgrading Proline Web Desktop


setupguide/upgrade2v1_2.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/07 14:01 by