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Protein Sets Filtering

Any Identification Summary, generated by validation or merging could be filtered.

Filtering consist to invalidate Protein Sets which doesn't follow specified criteria. Invalidated Protein Sets are not been taken into account for further algorithms or display.

Available filtering criteria are defined bellow.

Specific peptides Filter

Invalid Protein Set that don't have at least x peptides identifying only that protein set. The specificity is considered at the DataSet level.

This filtering go through all Protein Sets from worth score to best score. For each, if the protein set is invalidated, associated peptides properties are updated before going to next protein set. Peptide property is the number of identified protein sets.

Peptides count Filter

Invalid Protein Set that don't have at least x peptides identifying that protein set, independently of the number of protein sets identified by the same peptide.

This filtering go through all Protein Sets. For each, if the protein set is invalidated, associated peptides properties are updated before going to next protein set. Peptide property is the number of identified protein sets.

Peptide sequence count Filter

Invalid Protein Set that don't have at least x different peptide sequences (independently of PTMs) identifying that protein set.

This filtering go through all Protein Sets from worth score to best score. For each, if the protein set is invalidated, associated peptides properties are updated before going to next protein set. Peptide property is the number of identified protein sets.

prolineconcepts/protsetfiltering.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/07 14:26 by