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Peptides Table

The “Peptides” tab of a validated Identification Dataset (or Merged Dataset) allows you to browse the peptides of the related Result Summary.


Each table of the Result Summary data viewer provides a set of Filters for Numerical, Text and Boolean data, placed on the left of the grid.

Peptide Click Actions

  • Click on a peptide: will automatically display the peptides matches related to the selected peptide in the Peptide Matches table, and the Protein Matches table will display the protein matches related to the selected peptide.
  • Double click on a peptide match: an MS Queries viewer tab focused on the corresponding ms query (a filter will automatically applied) will be opened.
  • Double click on a protein match: a Proteins viewer tab focused on the corresponding protein will be opened.

MS Queries Table

The MS Queries table displays the MS Queries of the Result Summary and offers the same filters options as the others tables.

MS Query Click Actions

  • Click on an MS Query: will automatically load the corresponding Peptide Matches in the “MS Query Peptides Matches” table
  • Double click on a Peptide Match item: will open a Peptides viewer tab focused on the corresponding peptide.
how_to/web/viewpsm.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/06 10:50 by