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Display a Spectral Count

You can display a generated Spectral Count by using the right mouse popup.

To have more details about the results, see spectral_count_result

The overview is based by default on the weighted spectral count values. (Note: if you sort on the overview column, the sort is based on max(value-mean(values))/mean(values). So, you will obtain the most homogenous and confident rows first)

For each dataset, are displayed:

- status ( typical, sameset, / )

- peptide numbers

- the basic spectral count

- the specific spectral count

- the weighted spectral count (by default)

- the selection level

By clicking on the “Column Display Button” , you can choose the information you want to display or change the overview.

how_to/studio/viewspectralcount.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/15 10:57 by