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How to validate a Search Result

See description of Validation Algorithm.

Starting Validation

To validate a Search Result:

- Select one or multiple Search Results to validate

- Right Click to display the popup

- Click on “Validate…” menu

Validation Dialog

In the Validation Dialog, fill the different Parameters (see Validation description) :

- you can add multiple PSM Prefilter Parameters ( Rank, Length, Score, e-Value, Identity p-Value, Homology p-Value) by selecting them in the combobox and clicking on Add Button '+'

- you can ensure a FDR on PSM which will reached according to the variable selected ( Score, e-Value, Identity p-Value, Homology p-Value,… )

- you can add a Protein Set Prefilter on Specific Peptides.

- you can ensure a FDR on protein Sets.

- you can set the choice for the Typical Protein of a Protein Set by using a match string with wildcards ( * or ? ) on Protein Accession or Protein Description. (see changetypicalprot)

Note: FDR can be used only for Search Results with Decoy Data.

Validation Processing

Validating a Search Result can take some time. While it is not finished, the Search Results are shown greyed with an hour glass over them. The tasks are displayed as running in the “Tasks Log Dialog”.

Validation Done

When the validation is finished, the icon becomes orange and blue. Orange part correspond to the Identification Summary. Blue is for the Search Result part.

how_to/studio/rsvalidation.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/08 08:23 by