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Export Data / Image

There are many ways to do an export:

- Export a Table using the export button (supported formats: {xlsx, xls, csv})

- Export data using Copy/Paste from the selected rows of a Table to an application like Excel.

- Export all data corresponding to an Identification Summary, Xic or SpectralCount

- Export an image of a view

- Export Identification Summary data into Pride (ProteomeXchange) format.

- Export Identification Summary spectra list.

1. Export a Table

To export a table, click on the Export Button at the left top of a table.

An Export Dialog is opened, you can select the file path for the export and the format of the export (supported formats: {xlsx, xls, csv}).

Following feature regarding RTF elements will not be included in Proline Studio until the next release

In case that the selected format is either .xls or .xlsx, the user has now the ability to maintain in his exported excel document any rich text format elements (color, font weight etc.) apparent on the original table in Proline Studio. Choice is done using the two radio buttons shown on the following screenshot.

To perform the export, click on the OK Button. The task can take a few seconds if the table has a lot of rows and so a progress bar is displayed.

2. Copy/Paste a Table

To copy/Paste a Table:

- Select rows you want to copy

- Press Ctrl and C keys at the same time

- Open your spreadsheet editor and press Ctrl and V keys at the same time to paste the copied rows.

3. Export an Identification Summary, a XIC or a Spectral Count

To Export all data of an Identification Summary, or of a XIC or a Spectral Count, you must right click on the dataset to open the contextual popup and select the “Export…” Menu.

You can also export multiple dataset simultaneously, if they have the same type (Identification Summary or XIC or Spectral Count).

An Export Dialog is opened, you can select the file path and the type of the export (Excel (.xlsx) or Tabulation Separated Values (.tsv)).

You can export with the default parameters or perform a custom export. To enable custom export, click on the tickbox located on the right of the dialog:

Custom export allows a number of parameters in addition to the file format to be chosen:

  • the sheets to be created
  • the fields to be exported for each sheet
  • comma ',' or point '.' for decimal output
  • time stamp format
  • protein sets ('all' or 'validated only')
  • export profile ('best' or 'all)

You can enable/disable individual sheets, rename them, rename individual fields and move then up and down, disable them. You can also save your own configuration and load it later on, and even share it with colleagues. (configuration file stored locally).

Description of exported file is available here.

4. Export an Image

To export a graphics, click on the Export Image Button at the left top of the image.

An Export Dialog is opened, you can select the file path for the export and the type of the export

5. Export Identification Summary into Pride format

Note: Before exporting data to Pride format, all spectrum matches should have been generated. To do so, right click on the dataset and select “Generate Spectrum Matches”.

To export all data of an Identification Summary into Pride (ProteomeXchange compatible) format, you must right click on the dataset to open the contextual popup and select the “Export to Pride…” Menu.

Some additional information could be specified (some of them are required, those with a *) in the displayed dialogs.

a. Experimental Details : Specify Project and Experiment name and contact

b. Protocol Description : Specify a name for the Protocol Description. Add at least one Step for the descritption by clicking on “Add Step” button.

An ontology search dialog will be opened to help getting protocol step description

c. Sample Description : Specify a sample name and description. Species, Tissue and Cell Type is specified using Controlled Vocabulary. If desired data is not listed, you can click on the “other…” button to search through complete ontology.

6. Export Identification Summary spectra list

To export valid PSM Spectra from an Identification Summary or from a XIC Dataset. The exported tsv file is compatible with Peakview

how_to/studio/exportdata.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/01 17:04 by