Retention Time Recomputing
Steps followed by the Retention Time Recomputing algorithm
For each 'parent' species from the selected User context (i.e. User context for which RT Recomputing is needed)
Collect RTs for all final child species
Can apply linear regression coefficients
Can remove outliers using Grubbs method
Critical values for a 0.05 significance level are used
The test is used for # of values greater or equal to 3
Each time a value is removed, the test is repeated.
More details on Grubb's test
Compute the 'parent' RT value from one of the following statistical method (the previous RT value is then overwritten by the new one):
Weighted average (by score)
Best score per identification + average
Best score per identification + median
userguide/retentiontimerecomputing.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/02 16:49 by