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Generate a new AMT database from a context

To generate a new AMT database in the MS Access format (.mdf file) from a given User context, follow these steps: Export a context to a new AMT database

  • Select the User context you want to export
  • Select MS Identifications > Context > Export > Create AMT database from the main menu bar.
  • Browse to a folder where you want to save the AMT database file and click Open.
  • A confirmation dialog will indicate when saving process is finished.

Below is the AMT database model showing relationships between tables in MS Access.
Only the three tables AMT, AMT_Proteins and AMT_to_Protein_Map are populated. The other tables doesn't contain any records. They will be later populated in the AMT pipeline.

  • The AMT table contains all the peptides of the context.
  • The AMT Proteins table contains all the proteins
  • The AMT to Protein Map table indicates from which peptides proteins are identified.

Relationships in the AMT database (MS Access)

how_to/generateamtdb.1262789620.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/06 15:53 by