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How to export identified peptides & proteins from a context

  1. Select the context of your choice (for a User context, protein grouping should have been executed) in the MSI Explorer window
  2. Click on the menu MS Identification > Context > Export > Reports
  3. 5 reports are available from the droplist (First Step Panel of the Assistant):
  • Protein groups summary: reports the complete list of protein groups and give predefined properties for each group
  • Protein groups details: reports a detailled description of all protein groups contained in the selected context
  • Same Subset details: reports a detailled description of all sameset proteins and subset proteins for each protein group
  • Peptide details: reports a detailled description of all peptides
  • Context customizable summary: reports the complete list of protein groups specifying which properties to display

"Context customizable summary (Protein Groups)" Report

Whatever report is choosen, you will be able to choose :

  • the output format : xls, pdf or html
  • the destination file

For customizable report, an other step is necessary in order to choose which properties will be visible and which labels will be displayed. The available property list may include user generated properties such as spectral count.

Export result

Protein groups summary / Customizable export

The protein groups summary export will generate a file containing following informations

If customizable summary report has been chosen only the selected parameter will be displayed in the protein groups table.

Protein groups details

The protein groups details report export the same information than protein groups summary export but also display for each group the list of peptide that has been used for identification.

how_to/exportcontext.1280826631.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/08/03 11:10 by