Generate a new AMT database from a context
Context have to be
grouped previously. You generally apply some filtering during and/or after the protein grouping step to suppress:
Save your MSIdb
To generate a new AMT database in the MS Access format (.mdb file) from a given User context, follow these steps:
Select the User context you want to export
Select MS Identifications > Context > Export > Create AMT database
from the main menu bar.
In the dialog, enter the following information and click Ok
Click on the …
button to browse to a folder (default folder is the hEIDI project folder) where you want to save the AMT database file and click Open
Analysis duration in minutes
Analysis delay in minutes
AMT database model
When creating an AMT database (MS Access) from hEIDI, following tables are populated:
Table AMT: species of the exported User context
AMT_ID: index for this AMT tag (generated)
AMTMonoisotopicMass: peptide calculated mass
NET: computed from peptide (aligned) retention time using the formula: NET = (retentionTimeSeconds/60 - delayMinutes) / durationMinutes
PNET: null
MSMS_Obs_Count: # of child species
High_Normalized_Score: score (max of child peptides scores)
High_Discriminant_Score: null
Sequence: peptide sequence
msidb_peptide_match_id: peptide_match_id used in MSIdb to create this AMT tag
Table AMT_Proteins: proteins on which species match
Table AMT_to_Protein_Map: map table between AMT & proteins
Table protein_group: protein groups in which proteins are gathered
protein_group_id: protein group identifier
master_id: master protein identifier
protein_accession: master protein accession
score: master protein score
nb_amt_match: # of peptides that match on master protein
msidb_pg_id: protein group identifier in MSIdb (protein_group table)
Table protein_to_protein_group_map: map table between proteins & protein groups
protein_id: protein identifier
protein_group_id: protein group identifier
nb_amt_match: # of peptides that match on this protein in this protein group
Table identification: identifications used in the exported User context
Table build: general information
date: AMTdb creation date
msidb_name: MSIdb name
context_name: name of the exported context
context_is_saved: is the exported context has been saved to MSIdb ?
msidb_context_id: context identifier in the MSIdb (look at this field only if the context has been saved to MSIdb)
duration_minutes: analysis duration in minutes
delay_minutes: analysis delay in minutes
UMCs tables were populated using '
Read UMCs' tool until hEIDI 1.12.0.