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userguide:retentiontimealignment [2010/08/02 10:39]
userguide:retentiontimealignment [2010/08/02 16:21]
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 ====== Retention Time Alignment ====== ====== Retention Time Alignment ======
-Here are the steps followed by the Retention Time algorithm: 
-Collect species from the reference User context and predict their retention time using an external utility 
-Collect species to align within identifications that are gathered under the reference User context 
-Constitute pair groups between collected reference species & species to align: a pair group is created from species having same sequence & calculated mass 
 +===== Major steps followed by the Retention Time algorithm =====
-  ​Species Retention Time of the reference ​UserContext are predicted with **NETPrediction v2.2.3378** utility ​using Kangas method (click [[http://​​software/​NETPredictionUtility.php|here]] for more details). NETPrediction ​utility ​only uses species **sequences** to predict a Normalized Elution Time (NET) value. First, a list of '//reference//' ​species ​is built with the below criteria, then the corresponding sequences are exported in order to be used by the NETPrediction utility+{{ :​userguide:​rtalignmentconcept2.png|}} 
-    ​* The reference ​species ​list doesn'​t contain any species with PTMs +  ​Collect species from the reference ​User context and predict their retention time using an external ​utility ​and store them in reference species ​properties 
-    ​* If several species ​exist with redundant sequences, the best score species ​is retained +  - For each identification gathered under the reference User context do
-  - All the final child species, i.e. species ​in identifications, are collected''​a +    ​- Collect ​species ​to align from the identification ​ 
-    ​c +    ​- Constitute ​several ​pair groups between collected reference ​species ​species ​to alignA pair group contains 2 groups of species ​having same sequence & calculated mass (group1 has species from reference User context and group2 has species to align from identifications)
-    ​f''​ +    ​- Compute one (or several) representative value(s) for group1 & group2 for each pair group 
-  tata +    ​- Compute linear regression between representative values ​ 
-  +    Store linear regression coefficients & reference context name in identification properties
-{{:​userguide:​specif_alignement_tr_2.png|}}+===== In more details... ===== 
 +{{ RtAlignmentConcept1.PNG}} 
 +  - Species Retention Time of the reference UserContext are predicted with **NETPrediction v2.2.3378** utility using Kangas method (click [[http://​​software/​NETPredictionUtility.php|here]] for more details). NETPrediction utility only uses species **sequences** to predict a Normalized Elution Time (NET) value.  
 +    - First, a list of '//​reference//'​ species is built 
 +         * The reference species list doesn'​t contain any species with PTMs 
 +         * If several species exist with redundant sequences, the best score species is retained 
 +    - Then, the corresponding sequences are exported in order to be used by the NETPrediction utility 
 +  - The predicted NET are converted to retention time using user-defined parameters.  
 +  - The user can decide to exclude predicted values too far from the others:  
 +    * The average absolute deviation (between RT & predicted RT) is computed and all predicted RT far from this average value about a given user-defined threshold are excluded. 
 +  - The predicted RT values are stored as properties in the reference species. 
 +  - For each identification existing under the reference User context (not necessary directly under the reference user context): 
 +    -  All the final child species to align are collected 
 +    -  Several pair groups are created using reference species & species to align. A pair group contains 2 groups of species having same sequence & calculated mass (group1 has species from reference User context and group2 has species to align from identifications). 
 +    - For each group, according the statistical method choosen by the user, one or several representative RT value(s) is(are) calculated. 
 +      * Each '​Group1'​ always contains one species because [[userguide:​proteingroups|species/​protein grouping]] has been executed on the reference context and suppressed sequence/​calculated mass redundancy. 
 +      * '​Group2'​ may contain one or more species. Following statistical methods are available:​ 
 +        * Average ​{{ :userguide:rtalignmentconcept3.png|}} 
 +        * Median 
 +        * Cross-product 
 +        * Combined 
 +        * Best score 
 +    - Compute linear regression between pair groups 
 +    - Store linear regression coefficients (slope/​intercept) + reference context name in the identification properties ​
userguide/retentiontimealignment.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/02 16:27 by