Table of Contents

Installation & Setup

This page gives you a short overview of Proline components architecture and explain how to install and setup the different components

Architecture Overview

The suite is based on different components (see figure below):

Proline components

Proline DataStore

Proline stores data in six different database schemas. Three of them are “core” database schemas created once at datastore initialization. This three databases contains data related to users' projects (UDS database), peptides sequences and post-translational modifications (PS database) and proteins and databank (PDI database). The Seq database, where protein ID and sequence are stored, is automatically created when running the associated daemon application (Sequence Repository). This database is needed to have protein sequences and descriptions in user interfaces. The PDI database (with more information than the sequence database) is not available yet.

The two additional schemas are used to create a new database each time you create a new user project. Those databases store identification data (MSI databases) and quantification data (LCMS database) associated with users projects.


The server-centric architecture of Proline imposes different requirements for the server computer and the client computers.

If you want to use Proline remotely through a Web client, the ProlineWeb components and their requirements must also must installed.

Installing / Upgrading the Proline Suite