Label-free LC-MS quantitation configuration

Here is the description of the parameters that could be modified by the user.

Feature extraction Strategy

Defines the algorithms and methods to used for signal extraction and deistotping.

Extraction parameters

Parameters use by signal extraction algorithms

Extraction m/z Tolerance: In supervised algorithms this correpsonds to the error tolerance between the precursor ion m/z and peaks extracted in the mzDB file.
In unsupervised algorithms this corresponds to the the error tolerance between each peak apex and other extracted peaks.

Clustering parameters

Clustering must be applied to the imported LC-MS maps to group features that are close in time and m/z. This step reduces ambiguities and errors that could occur during the feature mapping phase.

Alignment Computation

This is an important step in the LCMS process. It consists of aligning maps of the map set to correct the RT values. RT shifts of shared features between the compared maps follow a curve reflecting the fluctuations of the LC separation. The time deviation trend is obtained by computing a moving median using a smoothing algorithm. This trend is then used as a model of the alignment of the compared LC-MS maps. This model provides a basis for the correction of RT values.

Then all other maps are aligned to this computed reference map and their retention times are corrected.

Alignment smoothing

When alignment is done, a trend can be extracted with a smoothing method permitting the correction of the aligned map retention time.

If selected smoothing method is set to time window, time of aligned map is corrected using median in a time window. You have to provide the time interval. This time interval corresponds to the window size in which time median will be computed.

Master map creation

This step consists in creating the “master map” (also called consensus map), this map resulting from the superimposition of all compared maps.

Two methods are available to filter features: the filter can be applied directly on intensity values (Intensity method) or it can be a proportion of the map median intensity (Relative intensity method).

If you choose Relative intensity for master feature filter type, the only possibility you have is percent, so you will remove features which intensities are beyond the relative intensity threshold in percentage of the median intensity. If you choose Intensity for master feature filter type, you also have only one possibility at the moment of the intensity method: basic. Features which intensities are beyond the intensity threshold set will be removed and not considered for the master map building process.