The “Export” button of any identification or quantitation node is accessible by right-clicking on it, or in its summary tab when you double-click on it.
The following window appears:
The default name for your output file (e.g. Excel file) is the name of the identification/quantitation. It will also be timestamped to allow multiple exports.
You can use default export parameters or expand the Custom parameters panel to tune them.
Each tab corresponds to a worksheet in the output file. Disabled tab won't be exported. Check (uncheck) tab headers to enable (disable) them.
Each entry in the grid corresponds to a column or line (column by default) in the worksheet. Check (uncheck) an entry to export it (discard it from export).
Click on a field in the Displayed field name to edit it.
All your exported data will appear under the Exported Files node of the project. To download it you can: