====== Installation & Setup ====== This page gives you a short overview of Proline components architecture and explain how to install and setup the different components ====== Architecture Overview ====== The suite is based on different components (see figure below): * A Relational Database Management System (**Proline Datastore**) storing the data used by the software in different databases. * A web server (**Proline Server**) handling processing tasks and web data access * Two different graphical user interfaces, both allowing users to launch tasks and visualize their data: * ProlineStudio which is a rich client interface * ProlineWeb the web client interface * A daemon application, Proline **Sequence Repository**, automatically filling proteins sequences repository from fasta. * A system administration application (**ProlineAdmin**) to setup and manage the Proline suite. This application is available as a command line application or with a graphical user interface. |{{:setupguide:prolinearchitecture.png?500|}}| ^ Proline components ^ ===== Proline DataStore ===== Proline stores data in six different database schemas. Three of them are "core" database schemas created once at datastore initialization. This three databases contains data related to users' projects (**UDS database**), peptides sequences and post-translational modifications (**PS database**) and proteins and databank (**PDI database**). The **Seq database**, where protein ID and sequence are stored, is automatically created when running the associated daemon application (Sequence Repository). This database is needed to have protein sequences and descriptions in user interfaces. The PDI database (with more information than the sequence database) is not available yet. The two additional schemas are used to create a new database each time you create a new user project. Those databases store identification data (**MSI databases**) and quantification data (**LCMS database**) associated with users projects. ====== Requirements ====== The server-centric architecture of Proline imposes different requirements for the server computer and the client computers. * Server-side Proline requirements: * A Java SE 8 JRE or above must be installed. * The PostgreSQL database server (tested versions are 9.X) must be installed and configured. On windows the automated installer includes the PostgreSQL server, which can be installed on the same computer than Proline or a distinct one. By default, PostgreSQL settings are defined for modest hardware configurations but they can be modified to target more efficient hardware configurations ([[setupguide:postgresqloptimization|See PostgreSQL optimization and authorizations]]). \\ In order to allow connections to the PostgreSQL server, make sure to add the following line in the pg_hba.conf located in your postgres data folder (or more specific mask if needed): \\ ''host all all md5 '' * Proline-Server **must run in English "locale"**, on Linux OS, environment variable ''LANG=en_US.UTF-8'' can be exported before starting ProlineWeb-Core. If not in english, you can also modify the jetty.runner.sh (see installation steps) to add '' -Duser.language="en" -Duser.country="US"'' parameters * Client-side requirements for Proline Studio: * A Java SE 7 JRE or above must be installed (**on Windows OS, Proline-Studio installer already includes a JRE 32 or 64-bit distribution**) If you want to use Proline remotely through a Web client, the ProlineWeb components and their requirements must also must installed. * Server-side ProlineWeb requirements: * MongoDB database server must be installed (at least version 2.6.x). Note: this database server can be installed on a distinct computer. * Client-side requirements for Proline Web: * A recent Web Browser (IE 9+, Firefox 25+, Chrome 30+). ====== Installing / Upgrading the Proline Suite ====== * Install Proline for the first time. The Proline suite is based on [[setupguide:start#architecture_overview|different components]]. The following documentation describes the installation procedure for each of this component * Proline server installation [[.:firstInstallServerInstaller|using Windows installer]] or [[.:firstManualInstallServer|using archive files]] for manual installation or Linux system * Installing and configuring the [[.:seqRepoInstall|Sequence Repository]]. * Installing Proline Studio : Proline Studio application distribution is a zip file that must be extracted on each client computer. * Installing and configuring [[prolineconcepts:PWD| Proline Web Desktop]] * If you are upgrading from Beta 1 to Beta 2 go [[.:upgrade|here]] * If you are upgrading from Beta 2 to Version 1.0 go [[.:upgrade2V1_0|here]] * If you are upgrading from Version 1.0 to Version 1.1 go [[.:upgrade2V1_0|here]] * If you are upgrading from Version 1.1 to Version 1.2 go [[.:upgrade2V1_2|here]] * If you are upgrading from Version 1.2 to Version 1.3 go [[.:upgrade2V1_2|here]]