====== SEQ-DB ====== SEQ model schema : {{:seqdb.pdf|}} ===== List of tables ===== *[[#bio_sequence|bio_sequence]] *[[#parsing_rule|parsing_rule]] *[[#repository|repository]] *[[#repository_identifier|repository_identifier]] *[[#se_db|se_db]] *[[#se_db_identifier|se_db_identifier]] *[[#se_db_instance|se_db_instance]] =====bio_sequence===== === (Physical Name: bio_sequence) === Proteine sequence. ^Logical Column Name ^Physical Column Name ^Type ^PK ^Nullable ^Remarks ^ | id (PK) | id | BIGINT | PK | NOT NULL | Auto incremented Id. | | sequence | sequence | CLOB | | | Protein sequence (AA or DNA alphabet) normalized to Upper Case. | | hash | hash | VARCHAR(64) | | | SHA-256 hash of normalized (Upper Case) sequence (as ASCII / ISO 8859-1 byte array). | **id (PK) (id)** Auto incremented Id **sequence (sequence)** Protein sequence (AA or DNA alphabet) normalized to Upper Case. Unicity constraint enforced by unicity on "hash" (SHA-256) column. **hash (hash)** SHA-256 hash of normalized (Upper Case) sequence (as ASCII / ISO 8859-1 byte array). Hash must be UNIQUE . ===Referenced By=== * [[#se_db_identifier|se_db_identifier]] referencing (bio_sequence_id) =====parsing_rule===== === (Physical Name: parsing_rule) === ^Logical Column Name ^Physical Column Name ^Type ^PK ^Nullable ^Remarks ^ | id (PK) | id | BIGINT | PK | NOT NULL | | | name | name | VARCHAR(255) | | | UNIQUE . | | release | release | VARCHAR(255) | | | Rule to parse SEDbInstance version string from source fileName. | | se_db_identifier | se_db_identifier | VARCHAR(255) | | | | | repository_identifier | repository_identifier | VARCHAR(255) | | | | | repo_id_from_se_id | repo_id_from_se_id | VARCHAR(255) | | | | **id (PK) (id)** **name (name)** UNIQUE . **release (release)** Rule to parse SEDbInstance version string from source fileName. **se_db_identifier (se_db_identifier)** **repository_identifier (repository_identifier)** **repo_id_from_se_id (repo_id_from_se_id)** ===Referenced By=== * [[#se_db|se_db]] referencing (parsing_rule_id) =====repository===== === (Physical Name: repository) === Standard Repository. ^Logical Column Name ^Physical Column Name ^Type ^PK ^Nullable ^Remarks ^ | id (PK) | id | BIGINT | PK | NOT NULL | | | name | name | VARCHAR(255) | | | UNIQUE . | | url | url | CLOB | | | | **id (PK) (id)** **name (name)** UNIQUE . **url (url)** ===Referenced By=== * [[#se_db|se_db]] referencing (repository_id) * [[#repository_identifier|repository_identifier]] referencing (repository_id) =====repository_identifier===== === (Physical Name: repository_identifier) === ^Logical Column Name ^Physical Column Name ^Type ^PK ^Nullable ^Remarks ^ | id (PK) | id | BIGINT | PK | NOT NULL | | | value | value | VARCHAR(255) | | | UNIQUE for given repository. | | repository_id [[#repository|(FK)]] | repository_id | BIGINT | | | | **id (PK) (id)** **value (value)** UNIQUE for given repository. **repository_id [[#repository|(FK)]] (repository_id)** ===References=== * [[#repository|repository]] through (id) ===Referenced By=== * [[#se_db_identifier|se_db_identifier]] referencing (repository_identifier_id) =====se_db===== === (Physical Name: se_db) === Search Engine Db. ^Logical Column Name ^Physical Column Name ^Type ^PK ^Nullable ^Remarks ^ | id (PK) | id | BIGINT | PK | NOT NULL | | | name | name | VARCHAR(255) | | | UNIQUE . | | alphabet | alphabet | VARCHAR(3) | | | Alphabet used for sequences (AA, DNA. | | parsing_rule_id [[#parsing_rule|(FK)]] | parsing_rule_id | BIGINT | | | | | repository_id [[#repository|(FK)]] | repository_id | BIGINT | | | | **id (PK) (id)** **name (name)** UNIQUE . **alphabet (alphabet)** Alphabet used for sequences (AA, DNA...) **parsing_rule_id [[#parsing_rule|(FK)]] (parsing_rule_id)** **repository_id [[#repository|(FK)]] (repository_id)** ===References=== * [[#repository|repository]] through (id) * [[#parsing_rule|parsing_rule]] through (id) ===Referenced By=== * [[#se_db_instance|se_db_instance]] referencing (se_db_id) =====se_db_identifier===== === (Physical Name: se_db_identifier) === ^Logical Column Name ^Physical Column Name ^Type ^PK ^Nullable ^Remarks ^ | id (PK) | id | BIGINT | PK | NOT NULL | | | value | value | VARCHAR(255) | | | UNIQUE for given se_db_instance. | | inferred | inferred | BOOLEAN | | | True if this se_db_identifier is inferred by sequence repository service (SE Db source cannot be loaded or protein description does not match). | | se_db_instance_id [[#se_db_instance|(FK)]] | se_db_instance_id | BIGINT | | | | | bio_sequence_id [[#bio_sequence|(FK)]] | bio_sequence_id | BIGINT | | | | | repository_identifier_id [[#repository_identifier|(FK)]] | repository_identifier_id | BIGINT | | | | **id (PK) (id)** **value (value)** UNIQUE for given se_db_instance. **inferred (inferred)** True if this se_db_identifier is inferred by sequence repository service (SE Db source cannot be loaded or protein description does not match). **se_db_instance_id [[#se_db_instance|(FK)]] (se_db_instance_id)** **bio_sequence_id [[#bio_sequence|(FK)]] (bio_sequence_id)** **repository_identifier_id [[#repository_identifier|(FK)]] (repository_identifier_id)** ===References=== * [[#bio_sequence|bio_sequence]] through (id) * [[#repository_identifier|repository_identifier]] through (id) * [[#se_db_instance|se_db_instance]] through (id) =====se_db_instance===== === (Physical Name: se_db_instance) === Unique version of a SE Db. ^Logical Column Name ^Physical Column Name ^Type ^PK ^Nullable ^Remarks ^ | id (PK) | id | BIGINT | PK | NOT NULL | | | release | release | VARCHAR(50) | | | Version string, if date must be yyyyMMdd . | | source_path | source_path | CLOB | | | Can be the pathname of a FASTA file relative to Search Engine file system. | | source_last_modified_time | source_last_modified_time | TIMESTAMP | | | FASTA file last modified date or SEDbInstance creation timestamp. | | se_db_id [[#se_db|(FK)]] | se_db_id | BIGINT | | | | **id (PK) (id)** **release (release)** Version string, if date must be yyyyMMdd . UNIQUE for given seq_db_id . **source_path (source_path)** Can be the pathname of a FASTA file relative to Search Engine file system. **source_last_modified_time (source_last_modified_time)** FASTA file last modified date or SEDbInstance creation timestamp. **se_db_id [[#se_db|(FK)]] (se_db_id)** ===References=== * [[#se_db|se_db]] through (id) ===Referenced By=== * [[#se_db_identifier|se_db_identifier]] referencing (se_db_instance_id)