====== Search Result ====== A **Search Result** (aka [[:msidb_documentation#result_set|ResultSet]] in the database schema) is the raw interpretation of a given set of MS/MS spectra given by a search engine or a //de novo// interpretation process. It contains one or many peptides matching the submitted MS/MS spectra (**PSM**, i.e. Peptide Spectrum Match), and the protein sequences these peptides belong to. The Search Result also contains additional information such as search parameters, used protein sequence data-bank, etc. A **Search Result** is created when a [[prolineconcepts:resultfile|]] (Mascot ''.dat'' file, OMSSA ''.omx'' or an X! Tandem ''.xml'') file is imported in Proline. In the case of a target-decoy search, two **Search Results** are created: one for the target PSMs, one for decoy PSMs. ===== Content of a Search Result ===== Importing a [[prolineconcepts:resultfile|]] creates a new Search Result in the database which contains the following information: * Search Settings: software name and version, parameters values * Peak-List and Spectrum information: file name, MS level, precursor m/z, ... * Search result data: * Protein sequences * Peptide sequences * Spectra * 2 kinds of Matches * Peptide Spectrum Matches, i.e. the matching between a peptide and a spectrum, with some related data such as the score, fragment matches... * Protein Matches, i.e. the proteins in the databank corresponding to the PSMs identified by the search engine ==== Mascot result importation ==== FIXME : todo : Mascot specificities The peptide matches score correspond to Mascot ion score ==== OMSSA result importation ==== FIXME : todo : OMSSA specificities The peptide matches score correspond to the negative common logarithm of the E-value: * Score = -log10(E-value) ==== X! Tandem result importation ==== **Note 0:** X! Tandem file should respect XML markup structure. **Note 1:** regarding rt (retention time) label in '''' markup, it should be a real number. The current version of X! Tandem (Sledgehammer) generates a real number, which is not the case for (FIXME: some / all) previous versions. For exemple : '''' **Note 2:** If all mark-ups and labels, needed for file import (FIXME: list them all) , are not existing in X! Tandem file, it'll generate error during import in ProlineStudio! The latest version, Sledgehammer, are supported in actual ProlineStudio (v.1.1)