====== Merger Search Results ====== Merging several [[prolineconcepts:rs|Search Results]] consist in creating a parent ''Search Result'' which will contain all merged PSMs issued from child ''Search Result''. For each identified peptide (in at least one child), a **single** //merged PSM// will be created and filled with the best child attributes (score, missed cleavage, etc.). The best child PSM is the PSM with the higher score. Once a parent ''Search Result'' is created, the same [[prolineconcepts:rsvalidation|validation operation]] as the one accessible for new imported ''Search Result'' could be done. In this case, the generated ''Identification result'' is not linked to ''Identification Result'' associated to child ''Search Result''. Another merge algorithm could be used: see [[prolineconcepts:mergeresultsummaries|]] {{:prolineconcepts:mergesearchresult.png|}}