====== Decoy Searches ====== Proline handles decoy searches performed from two different strategies: * Concatenated searches: * A protein databank is created by concatenating target protein sequence to decoy protein sequence. Decoy could be created using reverse or random strategy. From Mascot or OMSSA point of view, a unique search is done using that databank. * Separated searches: * Two searches are done using the same peaklist, one on a target protein databank and one on a decoy protein databank. These searches are then combined to retrieve useful information such as FDR ... Mascot allows user to check a decoy option and will automatically create a decoy databank. Decoy and Target Search Result * Concatenated searches: * When importing search result from a decoy concatenated databank, decoy data are extracted from the Result File and stored in Proline databases as an independent/unique Search Result as well as target Search result data. These both searches are linked to each other. * Separated searches * The two performed searches are stored in Proline databases and are linked together. See [[prolineconcepts:rs|Search Result]] to view which information is saved