====== Display MS Queries, Peptides/PSM or Proteins of a Search Result ====== ===== Functionality Access ===== To display data of a Search Result: - right click on a Search Result - click on the menu "Display Search Result >" and on the sub-menu "MSQueries" or "PSM" or "Proteins" {{:how_to:studio:displaysearchresultpopup.png|}} ===== MSQueries Window ===== If you click on MSQueries sub-menu, you obtain this window: {{:how_to:studio:msquerysearchresult.png|}} **Upper View**: list of MSQueries. **Bottom Window**: list of all Peptides linked to the current selected MSQuery. Note : Abbreviations used are listed [[how_to:studio:abbreviations|here]] ===== Peptides/PSM Window ===== If you click on PSM sub-menu, you obtain this window: {{:how_to:studio:displaysearchresultpsmdialogv3.png|}} **Upper View**: list of all PSM/Peptides. **Middle View**: Spectrum, Spectrum Error and Fragmentation Table of the selected PSM. If no annotation is displayed, you can generate Spectrum Matches by clicking on the according button **Bottom Window**: list of all Proteins containing the currently selected Peptide. Note : Abbreviations used are listed [[how_to:studio:abbreviations|here]] ===== Proteins Window ===== If you click on Proteins sub-menu, you obtain this window: {{:how_to:studio:displaysearchresultproteindialogv3.png|}} **Upper View**: list of all Proteins **Bottom View**: list of all Peptides of the selected Protein. Note: Abbreviations used are listed [[how_to:studio:abbreviations|here]]