====== How to filter Protein Sets ====== See description of [[prolineconcepts:protsetfiltering ]]. :!: The protein sets windows are not updates after filter Protein Sets ! You should close and reopen the window :!: ===== Starting filtering ===== {{:how_to:studio:filterprotset.png?nolink|}} To filter Protein sets of Identification Summaries: - Select one or multiple Identification Summaries to filter - Right Click to display the popup - Click on “Filter ProteinSets...” menu ===== Filtering Dialog ===== {{:how_to:studio:filterprotsetdialog.png?nolink|}} you can add multiple filters (Peptide count, Peptide sequence count, Specific peptide count) by selecting them in the combobox and clicking on Add Button '+' Once the filtering is done, you will have to open new protein sets window in order to see modification.