====== Frame Toolbars Functionalities ====== {{:how_to:studio:viewtoolbarsprolinev3.png|}} **A**: Display Decoy Data. **B**: [[..:studio:searchTables|Search]] in the Table. (using * and ? wild cards) **C**: [[..:studio:filterTables|Filter]] data displayed in the Table **D**: [[..:studio:exportData|Export data]] displayed in the Table **E**: Send to [[..:studio:dataMixer|Data Analyzer]] to compare data from different views **F**: Create a [[..:studio:histograms|Graphic]] : histogram or scatter plot **G**: Right click on the marker bar to display Line Numbers or add Annotations/Bookmarks **H**: Expands the frame to its maximum (other frames are hidden). **I**: Gather the frame with the previous one as a tab. **J**: Split the last tab as a frame underneath **K**: Remove the last Tab or Frame **L**: Open a dialog to let the user add a View (as a Frame, a Tab or a splitted Frame) **M**: [[..:studio:createuserdisplay|Save the window as a user window]], to display the same window with different data later **N**: Export view as an image **O**: Generate Spectrum Matches