====== Filter Tables ====== You can filter data displayed in the different tables thanks to the filter button at the top right corner of a table. {{:how_to:studio:filterbuttonprolinev2.png|}} When you have clicked on the filter button, a dialog is opened. In this dialog you can select the columns of the table you want to filter thanks to the "+" button. In the following example, we have added two filters: - **one on the Protein Name column** (available wildcards are * to replace multiple characters and ? to replace one character) - **one on the Score Column** (Score must be at least 100 and there is no maximum specified). {{:how_to:studio:filterdialogprolinev2.png|}} The result is all the proteins starting with GLPK (correspond to GLPK*) and with a score greater or equal than 100. Note: for String filters, you can use the following wildcards: * matches zero or more characters, ? matches one character. {{:how_to:studio:filterresultprolinev2.png|}}