====== Chang Typical Protein of Protein Sets ====== :!: The protein sets windows are not updates after a Change Typical Protein ! You should close and reopen the window :!: ===== Open the Dialog ===== {{:how_to:studio:changetypicalproteinpopupv2.png|}} To change the Typical Protein of the Protein Sets of an Identification Summary: - Select one or multiple Identification Summaries - Right Click to display the popup - Click on "Change Typical Protein..." menu ===== Dialog Parameters ===== {{:how_to:studio:changetypicalproteindialogv2.png|}} You can set the choice for the Typical Protein of Protein Sets by using a match string with wildcards (* or ?) on Protein Accession or Protein Description. For Advanced user, a fully regular expression could be specified. In this case, check the corresponding option. Three rules could be specified and they will be applied in priority order. In a Protein Set, if no proteins satisfy the first rule, the second one will be tested and so on. ===== Processing ===== The modification of Typical Proteins can take some time. During the processing, Identification Summaries are displayed grayed with an hourglass and the tasks are displayed in the Tasks Log Window