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How to change typical protein

Filtering can be done on 1 or more User Context. Once desired contexts are selected, you can

The following window will appear

Typical protein modification is based on rules combinations, in the same way as in IRMa.

User should :

Example 1 - unique rule composition

User wants to select as typical, protein which has

To do this the user will have to create 3 rules :

  1. rule1 : description starts with “sp”
  2. rule2 : description starts with “tr”
  3. rule3 : accession ends with “_HUMAN”

and creates the following rule composition: rule1 or (rule2 and rule3 ).
When running the module, for each PutativeProtein the typical protein will be set to the first one which respects the rule composition constraint.

Example 2 - order compositions

In this example, the user will preferentially wants to select as typical a protein which has its description starting with “sp”.
If no protein respect that constraint then user will want to select as typical a protein which has its description starting with “tr” and its accession ending with “_HUMAN”.

If we uses the same rules as in example 1 (rule1 , rule2 and rule3 ), the typical protein to choose will be one (the first) which respect rule1 and if none is found the new typical protein should respect rules composition (rule2 or rule3).
To do this, the user will have to create 3 rules :

  1. rule1 : description starts with “sp”
  2. rule2 : description starts with “tr”
  3. rule3 : accession ends with “_HUMAN”

create two rules compositions:

  1. C1 : rule1
  2. C2 : rule2or rule3

and order rules compositions by priority